Thursday, January 19, 2006

Top Ten Things a Single Guy should know about his Young Married Friends

10. When making plans with them, don't expect an immediate answer b/c they always have to check w/ their spouses and get back with you.

9. Two weeks advance notice is the minimum so forget about making plans w/ them for tomorrow or this weekend.

8. If they have kids, you need to double the two weeks advance notice to four weeks.

7. When they say "Let's get together sometime" and don't mention a specific date like w/in the next week, you may as well forget it b/c sometime means not anytime soon, or ever.

6. If they call you up to hang out w/ a short notice like tonight, tomorrow night or this weekend, that means their spouses are away and they don't want to be alone at home.

5. When talking to them over the phone and they pause, it is b/c their spouses are asking them about the conversation you are having with them. The wise thing to do is not to tell the person on the phone that you disagree w/ the spouse not on the phone or you will end up gettting into an argument w/ the spouse not on the phone through the person on the phone.

4. If they ask you to help them move, make sure you tell them to provide plenty of food b/c they'll never have time to return the favor.

3. It's a good idea not to invite newly weds over until after their first anniversary. Otherwise, you will be watching people make out in front of you rather than on TV.

2. Never make plans with more than one couple to do things. If you must, use the MXF formula. It stands for McKowski Exponential Factor (named after S McKenna & M Kasowski) which means for every additional couple you invite it becomes exponentially complicated.

1. When they say "It's not you, it's me" for not getting together, well, just like in dating, it's really you.


At 1/19/2006 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to translate ...

10. Married individuals can't think for themselves

9. Married individuals can't make plans on their own

8. k, kids change things - grace abounds

7. Married individuals can't keep their word.

6. Married individuals cheat

5. I'm sorry, I have no idea what Shawn's saying here

4. Married individuals take advantage of you

3. Married individuals do it only for the sex

2. Married couples try to show others up.

1. Married individuals lie.

do you think I'm really going to sign my name to this?

At 1/20/2006 1:12 PM, Blogger 2 K's are Better Than 1 said...

this is freakin hilarious! it's bridget jones' diary for men... hooray for this demonstration that women aren't the only neurotic ones... haha

At 1/24/2006 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Married Female's Response:

10. I would consider this good boundaries and not speaking up for someone else. . . something even roommates should do in not committing to something on the other's behalf. . .

9. We actually do better last minute--if it means "just hanging out together." We have a single female friend who likes to watch movies with us. If we plan, it's hard to say for sure what night, whereas we watch movies a lot, so it's worked for her to call and say, "what are you doing, can I come over?"

8. We've not had too much trouble with this.

7. This is the one I disagree with the most. . . anytime ANYONE says "let's get together sometime" I don't take it seriously. I'm not going to "own" making it happen just because they issue a passive invitation...Note to single men: single women HATE when you say "let's get together sometime." If they don't respond or reply, don't hear it as non-interest necessarily. They may be waiting for a more specific (read: risky) invitation.

6. Maybe. Or they may value your one-to-one company and find a sudden spot where they can visit with you w/out assuming it's a couple thing with you.

5. My husband doesn't care too much about the phone conversations I'm having so he rarely tries to be part of them. But sometimes he "forgets" I'm actually HAVING a conversation and wants to have a conversation with me at the same time!!!
But since this is for single guys. . . maybe married women try to get in on their husbands' conversations with you. I'm guessing we do want "in" especially if it's about girls, we want to think you want our opinion not just that of our husbands. I think the above advice is probably dead on.

4. Hmmmmm, this suggests that single men get taken advantage of, and I'm afraid you're probably correct. Even as a single, I considered it good manners to "pay" my help-me-with-my-moving-in friends with donuts & coffee in the morning, sandwiches at lunch and if it went on into the evening, pizza.


2. Turn "couple" into roommates and you have the same problem. Maybe worse because roommates are two INDEPENDENT adults with their own lives, jobs, schedules.

1. There's no easy way to say you're not interested if that's what's going on. I think as a single woman I'd say, "I need to say no" or "I'd prefer not to" without further explanation. ...there ARE times when the "problem" is me/us. We're stressed out, we've been on overload, I need some alone time, we've been running in two different directions. If I'm or we're having a problem and can't see you but do want to, then it's up to me/us to say "It's not you, it's us," BUT ADD, "thank you for asking/initiating, we'd love to get together once we get through this week. . . would you not give up and ask again in a few weeks?" Not a bad reply for a single woman to give a guy she likes but the timing is off. . . hopefully leaves that door open.

At 1/25/2006 12:48 AM, Blogger Ethan Pitsch said...

haha - great post tran man!


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