Monday, February 27, 2006

Do you believe in the End Times?

So I went to this Fusion conference for people in their 20's and 30's Sat and it was awesome. My main goal was to see Caedmon's Call and the conference was secondary. It ended up that I learned quite a bit and it was a refresher as well. Dr. Richard Pratt said that most of us Christians really do not believe in eschatology, the end times, b/c if we do then we live our lives accordingly. We'd live our lives as if there's an urgent need to reach out to others. Instead, we live like everyone else, go to our jobs, take care of our families, have fun on the weekends, etc. Not that these things are bad in of themselves but if they are the only things we live for, then the question is do we really believe what we believe and that Christ is coming back in our life time?

Speakers @ Fusion reminded me that we should live radically lives to change the world. That our actions can make a difference, an eternal difference, and that the Great Commission is not for those who are "called" but for all believers.

The GC is like someone's last words before death so those words are not merely for the special apostles or disciples but for all believers. We are called to go to our neighbors, the help the poor, the take care of the fatherless, etc. and no matter where we live, we will have all these people around us.

More on this later.


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