Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

I used to hate dead spots when talking on the cell phone while driving. Like any situation before me, I managed to turn a bad scenario for good. Here's an example, someone called me up the other day and forced me into a corner by trying to put me on a guilt trip if I was not willing to help her. So when she asked me for my response, I said, "Hello? Hello? Are you there?". I then disconnected the call as I needed a few seconds to think of a good and gentle answer rather than giving her my brutal honesty. She called me back, I answered, and gave her my sorry can't help answer. Thank God for those dead spots! :o)


At 4/27/2006 9:16 PM, Blogger 2 K's are Better Than 1 said...

that's very nice and sad my friend, just sad...

sidebar - what all men need to understand about women: a little bit of psycho just comes with the ovaries - it's a package deal... haha

At 4/27/2006 10:58 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

No, she was TRYING to put me on a guilt trip...and as far as 2K's comments go...I think that she's ||000|00|| |00||0000|00| which we all agree.

* Note: |0 means static over the internet.

At 4/28/2006 5:26 PM, Blogger 2 K's are Better Than 1 said...


At 4/28/2006 5:33 PM, Blogger 2 K's are Better Than 1 said...

i just posted a bunch of photos from my recent trips. check them out...


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