Monday, May 08, 2006

When it rains, it pours.

I was out of town this past wknd on a retreat and got a call that one of my good friends, Luke, was hospitalized for what they thought was a stroke. This guy is in his early 30's and in top notch athletic health. Short story is that he has lost much feeling on his entire right side and will have a biopsy Tue AM. This procedure is high risk.

As I was calling another good friend, Pete, to inform him about this situation, he told me that he just found out that his father was diagnosed with bone cancer in the lower spine which is incurrable. Chemo will make it worse and the only thing to do is to let it take its course which means that my friend's dad will eventually be in a wheelchair and need daily doses of morphine to subdue the pain, a very slow and painful way to die. His dad is also in good health, well, atleast up to this point.

If that wasn't enough, I got an email today that another friend of mine had a nasty head accident and required a cat scan. He's in good condition now and is recovering.

Last, I was notified that a teenage kid ran away from a family that I'm good friends with at church.
Part of me says, Why Lord? Why are all these things happening to your children? Then I was reminded that through perserverance that our faith is strengthened, but easier for me to say as I'm not the one going through these trials. Things like these make me want to see Christ coming soon. Please pray for them, that God will grant them mercy and grace. Yes, all of us can use some mercy now.


At 5/09/2006 1:21 PM, Blogger 2 K's are Better Than 1 said...

I will pray. I agree with your sentiment regarding our faith being tested and it proving sufficient. The people in my life who I deem as having a faith worth following have all faced extreme hardship (either by their own choosing, or someone elses or simply by circumstance) and through their difficulty have a "built on the rock" kind of faith that is not to be found in sandy, life is always breezy kind of living.

At 5/09/2006 3:21 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

Will pray....

At 5/09/2006 9:48 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Thanks for praying!

Some good news, there wasn't a biopsy since blood tests showed some improvement which could mean infection rather than mass in the brain. They are treating w/ antibiotics. They may do biopsy Thu if things do not improve.

The kid called his family and decided to come home. There are definitely things to work out but at least he's home.

Things like this shows me how wonderful God is by having his people's support and prayers that I've never met.


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