Wednesday, August 22, 2007


According to this article:
"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said the president of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

Last month, state and local leaders of the NAACP urged the public not to rush to judgment. The civil rights organization said animal rights groups, talk radio and the news media were vilifying the embattled athlete, and that his team and corporate sponsors were prematurely punishing Vick.

This sounds very good and true but I can't tell you how many times if the person is white and makes a slight insinuation of race, he's condemned to be a racist and banned from his position, whatever it may be, forever even after the offender has sincerely apologized.

As for the media & people "prematurely punishing Vick", yes one is innocent until proven guilty, but how many times has the NAACP prematurely jumped to conclusion and demanded sanctions prior to giving the accused the opp to defend?

The sad truth is when you hold a double standard, making statements like this only falls on deaf ears and promotes further mistrust. Does this explain its financial woes for the past several years along w/ losing members and shutting down 40% of its operations? I wonder.


At 8/23/2007 4:15 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

Whatever the answer is, I think things will have to get pretty grim before they admit what's really going on. After all, the reasons you suggest for leaving NAACP (or NAALCP as Rush would say) are more or less that NAACP brass are making announcements contrary to reality. To expect them to admit this, if it be their reality, is going to be a bit much.

Sad. Did you know that the NAACP was WEB DuBois' answer to Booker T. Washington's recommendation that blacks learn a trade and buy land? Somehow I think that blacks (hey, all of us, really) would be better off if they'd listened to that man from Tuskegee.

At 8/30/2007 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mainstream media has become the judge, jury and executioner for all persons accused of any offense. Facts and due process are not important and conviction in the court of public (read: media) opinion is often the kiss of death for public figures. Additionally, the degree of outrage over the offense is often exagerated/overhyped to gain rating without concern for any other factors. As you mentioned there is usually a inequity of outrage for offenses committed or perceived by one race against another while the reverse is excused or somehow justified. The black "leadership" has exploited this and rushed to judgement when whites are accused (ie, Duke Lacrosse players) and in the same breath demanded a withhold of judgement until all the facts and due process were satisfied when the accused is not white. And the MSM continues to eat it up and construct a barrier to racial healing.


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