Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Writer who agrees w/ me

From this article that was written a day after my NAACP post:
I agree with the president of Atlanta's NAACP, R.L. White. The NFL should welcome Michael Vick back to its league once he has finished serving jail time...I also hope that our modern-day civil-rights leaders stake out a consistent position on compassion. We can't demand it for Michael Vick and deny it to those we don't like, especially when it comes to high-profile public figures such as Don Imus.

"Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he had killed a human being," White said.

He's right. Imus' defenders would probably say the same thing, and they would add that Imus didn't kill anything (human being or otherwise).


At 8/23/2007 8:31 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Don Imus certainly did get more negative press for his remarks than Vick got for his cruelty


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