Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bush vetoes stem cell bill

Below are excerpts from this msnbc article

"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," Bush said in announcing his veto. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect."

On stage behind the president and in the audience were two dozen children, squirming in their Sunday best, born from those leftover embryos. "These boys and girls are not spare parts," Bush said. "They remind us of what is lost when embryos are destroyed in the name of research."
It goes on to say that most Americans disagree with the president, according to public opinion polls. My question is what's next, euthanasia or gay marriage? Oh wait, these are already laws in a few states. So as believers, is there anything we can do?


At 7/20/2006 5:06 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

Pray, preach, vote, no?

At 7/20/2006 6:57 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Yes, you are right. The reason I ask is that some of my friends are not putting up a fight but instead have accepted this as the norm, there's nothing we can do about gay marriages so we may as well live with it. Not that we should look down on others due to their sins but that we should point that it is not good. This mentality is like living in a neighborhood where no one bothers to call the police when gun shots are fired.

At 7/22/2006 10:38 PM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Bubba's right.

I'm not sure what you point is, Bush just vetoed this bill that would be killin' the kids.

And I would like to see the polls that disagree with Bush on this issue.

At 7/23/2006 6:50 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

PB, Bush is on the right track but it seems like the general American people are not which is saddening.

BTW, welcome back from another one of your excursions!


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