Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Happily Ever After?

Below are excerpts from an interesting article.

'Say Anything' (1989)
The premise: Sincere guy wins heart of beautiful, smart girl.
The problem: Money. She's going to have financial hang-ups; he's going to be broke.

'Pretty Woman' (1990)
The premise: Cinderella is a hooker; Prince Charming is a ruthless businessman.
The problem: Skill in screwing other people is not a solid foundation for a relationship.

'My Fair Lady' (1967)
The premise: A snooty bachelor professor promises he can pass a guttersnipe off as a high-society girl with six months' training.
The problem: That he'd make a bet like that.

'The African Queen' (1951)
The premise: Opposites attract in the jungle as a spinsterish English missionary hires a salty boat captain to avenge her brother's death.
The problem: In the long run, opposites repel.
My question is do these movies affect our view on relationships, even in Christian circles?


At 8/16/2006 11:45 AM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Eh, its society. Of course it effects us. The question is, does it really hurt?

At 8/16/2006 12:17 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

Matt hits things well; and we do have a hint of a relationship manual in the Scriptures, thankfully. I share his disgust with many relationship books (I've thrown away about a dozen); too often, they simply accomodate themselves to the world.

At 8/16/2006 8:09 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Oh, so is this the Mathias that TP'd my car after wrapping it with saran wrap and using shoe polish to write on ALL of my windows? If so, I will get you back so make no mistake about it! I am saving up my $ to go to where you are either next summer or 08.

At 8/16/2006 8:47 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Oh, yeah, I need to respond to the topic of this post, sorry for the previous side comments. Anyway, well said by all. We are told to be in the world but not of the world. The problem is when we are not astutely keen with our minds and avoiding things that are frankly not good for our souls.

One way is to encourage believers to set their minds on the things of God which means giving quite a lot that the world has to offer. But the problem is leaders are using these themes or a twist of it to get people to come, otherwise, the Christian life is too boring and no one will show up.

One example is I just got an email from an organization with the topic heading of Sex and the City of God. It's like, well you have Sex and the City and now we use the same phrase for marketing and add "God" to it. Why not just say "Living with Purity"? Because people can't relate and won't come.

So has these movies and themes affected the church? I would say so unfortunately.

At 8/17/2006 1:03 PM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Michael, emotional porn. Lol.

At 8/17/2006 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's emotional porn."

Oooh, I just thought of a new word: "emotionography" Whatcha guys think? :)

"It's addictive for us to look longingly at movies lusting after the happily-ever-after life with a partner. "ah, to be like him/her. ah, to have someone accept me like that. if only ..." It creates a picture of what a relationship should be like that is not real nor biblical."

While I would whole-heartedly agree with the statement that movies with a far-fetched emotional and romantic theme are not healthy for Christian society, Michael, I think you may have overstated it a little by labeling it as "addictive." I don't know any Christian who would lust after the impossible. Maybe I missed your point, but it just seemed like an overstatement to me...

"So has these movies and themes affected the church? I would say so unfortunately."

And with that I too, sad though it is, must agree. For an example just look at modern Christian dress, especially among women. Movies have effect the church in more ways than just emotional. They often set an example and act as a peer to Christian teens... It's actually very scary. Getting hard to distinguish between the modern culture and what Christian culture should be.

It's an important topic... Thanks for bringing it up. :)

At 8/18/2006 10:58 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Ah, the Epit of Orange, welcome back. BTW, it's about time you updated your other blog since April.


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