Friday, July 21, 2006

Gay Couple Splits Up

From this article:
The lesbian couple whose landmark lawsuit helped Massachusetts become the only state in America where same-sex couples can marry legally have split up, a spokeswoman said Friday.
This should not surprise anyone but it made the headlines. One of the arguments that gay rights advocates gave for same sex marriage is that since heterosexuals have such high rate of divorce that gay couples can raise a better family because they have more in common than heteros. In the end though, it doesn't matter hetero or gay couples, sin still dwells in human nature and the result will always turn out bad. Also high courts in two states (NY & GA) turned down gay marriage recently (source) while 45 others are moving toward the same direction. It's time to stand up and fight for what is right. If you think we as Christians don't have the duty to do so, then you may want to read this article from John Frame on Christian Activism.

Honestly, I'm sick and tired of being steam rolled by the liberals and now we need to stand up and fight back. Gay books are being introduced in elementary schools, the divorce rate is the same in Christian circles as non-Christians, and sexual encounters is the same among Christian singles as in non-Christians. Why is this? Have we become like the church of Laodicea that Pauls talks about in Colossians?


At 7/22/2006 10:37 PM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Here here.

I wonder how long they were together before the suit.

At 7/24/2006 3:17 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

Norma McCorvey also didn't want, nor did she have, the abortion, if I remember correctly. So the standing to sue was dubious at best--along with the decision.

Pray, preach, vote, and impeach nutty jurists who use non-Constitutional law to arrive at their decisions. Legwork and character, bro.

At 7/24/2006 4:50 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

One quick (minor) correction, Mercy; it turns out that the news on Christians and divorce may not be "as bad as advertised."

The trick is that the stats you've seen are done as "divorces per 1000 adults," not "divorces per 1000 married adults." See the not very subtle bait & switch?

The long & short of it is that, if Arkansas data provided by Gov. Huckabee are to be believed, believers are actually about 30% less likely to divorce than the nation as a whole. Nothing to brag about on a straight scale, but not quite the debacle we'd bee led to believe was going on.

At 7/24/2006 7:49 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

The other interesting about these polls is semantic. If they don't get into what "Christian" means, then you have a lot of people calling themselves one when they may not be.


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