Saturday, August 19, 2006

How Great Is Our God?

I woke up this morning and received an email from a friend living in a Muslim country. I had teary eyes as I was reading this with great joy. Here's an excerpt.

Last Sunday we had the privilege of witnessing nine locals be baptized! Some of them have been believers for a while, but now wanted to make their confession public that Jesus is Lord – both before the Church and the on-looking beachgoers. This is very risky in a Muslim country but they were all undaunted and standing firm in their faith as they obeyed Jesus’ command to be baptized.
This is great news indeed as some of these countries impose death for converting to Christianity. Actually, I know of a family who is here in the states and cannot go back to Saudi Arabia as there's a death sentence on them. Then I think about my faith here and ask myself how would I live in such a way as these nine in risking their lives to glorify Christ?

Just a ***WARNING*** before you comment and that is please do not give any specifics regarding places or names of people in sensitive areas. Thanks.

Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
Our hearts will sing
How great is our God!


At 8/20/2006 11:20 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I recently had the privilege to attend a church here in Tokyo. There is something amazing about seeing people who speak a different language praising God whole-heartedly.

They had recently had a few members baptized.

At 8/21/2006 8:13 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

My friend's team leader has been there for 20 years and said he has seen just 3 baptisms in the first 18 years. Now, there were nine, this is indeed a great celebration!

At 8/21/2006 8:33 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

The other thing about this team leader is that he's patient, very patient and did not give up. I think most would give up after 5 or 10 years w/o seeing a conversion.

At 8/21/2006 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Let us pray God will open the eyes of those given over to Islam.


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