Monday, September 18, 2006

Wimpy Christians?

Ok, so I've been posting on other blogs and so forth giving my two cents and I've been criticized because my blog name "MercyNow" means that I should only show mercy. For example, I posted a comment on another blog that the driver of illegal immigrants should be prosecuted since in trying to evade the border patrol he caused 7 illegals to die after the truck turned over. Then a comment was made that I was not showing mercy. In this case, I argued that showing mercy is to put the driver behind bars so he doesn't cause another 7 lives the next time. Then another post said the same when I was simply speaking the truth so that people can learn now than later when it can cost them more in real life. An example is would you not rather your professor fail you in class than to pass you and let you fail in life? This doesn't really bother me that much because people are allowed to have their opinions.

The thing that bothers me most is that people think that just because we are Christians that we should simply lay down, show unprecedented mercy at all times, and never stand up or fight back. In other words, the pacifists say they are against killing anyone which includes the death penalty and we should follow Jesus' msg of love. The fact that we do respect life is the reason we support the death penalty just the same that we put people behind prison so they don't cause further harm to society. Loving someone is to correct one's mistake so he doesn't make it again for his own good.

Is this showing mercy or being Christ like? You let me know and please do not post anonymously for this post. If you do, then you are only proving my point and that is you may have an opinion but you are afraid to stand up for what you think you believe because if you really believe it then you would not be afraid to stand up for it:o)


At 9/19/2006 3:32 AM, Blogger TOKYO JOSH said...

Im gona have to agree with putting the driver in jail. People! what ya gona do

At 9/19/2006 7:59 AM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

No, as Christians we must stand up and fight for our beliefs. Take the fight to the enemy, and we'll have victory.

At 9/19/2006 4:31 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

You seem to be becoming painfully aware of the fact that most people don't understand God's mercy. His mercy is not to override just punishment for sin, but rather to send His Son to atone for it--while leaving some of the temporal consequences for sin in place.

And one wonders if those who accuse you of being "Ming the Merciless" would really want to live in a world where those who kill other people didn't face any consequences. Thank God for Romans 13 and Genesis 9!

At 9/20/2006 9:46 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Yes, I certainly would not want to live in a society where there's no penalty or consequences for actions in the name of 'grace' which I will post next.

At 9/20/2006 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christ died in order than all sins may be forgiven. Just because there is now forgiveness for those who seek it doesn't mean that there are no longer consequences for such sins. If I assault someone, I know that God will forgive me if I’m truly repentant; however, that doesn’t mean I don’t still deserve punishment for my crime. Mercy involves forgiveness yet it does not simply mean you let people off the hook.


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