Thursday, September 07, 2006

Working on yer Weakness

Do you avoid weakness in your life or do you try to improve it?

I used to be the prior but now am the latter (well, at least if I am aware of it). For example, I have always wanted to do a small triathlon but could never do so since I am a terrible swimmer. Anyway, instead of avoiding it, I've decided to take swimming lessons at the Y and have improved on my technique. Now, I just need to practice until I can swim 1/2 mile.

Another example is I used to avoid playing sports w/ people who are better than me but now I do seek them out so I can become better, tho I tend to lose most of the time but at least I'm improving.

Now, if I can just start memorizing Scriptures.


At 9/08/2006 4:36 AM, Blogger Matt said...

If you want to memorize scripture join a Bible Quiz team. While in BQ I memorized the gospels of Matthew and John, and the epistles Hebrews, 1 and 2nd Peter, Philemon and parts of Galatians, Ephesians, Colosions and 1&2 Corinthians.

I never would have believed that I could possible memorize so much but the team kept me going and I did.

At 9/08/2006 11:39 AM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

Mercy, they're teaching you to float, right? You can make a half mile swim in eight 100 yard increments if you know how to float!

At 9/09/2006 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Placing yourself under a godly mentor is also a good way to strengthen weakness. Someone who can see your weakness and help you build yourself up as a godly man.


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