Monday, December 04, 2006

At What Price?

Please go and see Jamie's blog What do you think? Dec 1 post on Rick Warren inviting Obama to speak at his 22,000 congregational church on his second annual conference for AIDS. For an extremely short written summary, Warren invited Barrak Obama to speak on AIDS to his church. Warren defends this by saying that Jesus loved and accepted everyone w/o approving of everything they did. Barrak is a Dem Senator who basically supports the normal Dem agenda.

Do you side w/ Warren on giving Obama the pulpit? At what lengths should we go to reach out to others? How much can we overlook?

Comment here tho so I'd get more hits:o)


At 12/05/2006 1:16 AM, Blogger Neemund said...

We've had people speak at our church who I did not agree with on most issues. Regarding AIDS, I think Obama would have a better perspective than most on that issue, as his parents immigrated from Africa where AIDS is among the most common deaths. Would he be my first choice of speakers? Nope. Could getting someone like Obama as a speaker bring support for your cause that you would otherwise not receive? Probably.

At 12/08/2006 1:20 PM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

I have trouble with any politician taking the pulpit--isn't that supposed to be reserved for those who have demonstrated the qualifications of elders? Yes, the politics held make a slight difference, but the real issue is that most politicians do NOT meet the Biblical qualifications for leadership.

If you think I'm bashing politicians, you're right. :^)


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