Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hey, wishing everybody a happy new year! So what are some of your new year resolutions that you think you will achieve tis yr? One of mine is to lose weight and make my torso bigger, just kiddin:o)
So I've decided to read thru the Bible in one year for 07 except that it will be in chronological order (yes, there will be books where dates are unknown for those of a theological mind) Check out this site!
Jan 1 (Gen 1-3)


At 1/01/2007 11:35 AM, Blogger kingdavid said...

I resolve to finally understand God's plan and purpose for my life; and I want to get into His perfect will, not his permissive will.

I also resolve not to label all leftists as idiots, as I wouldn't normally degrade others who were born with or developed psychological disorders.

At 1/01/2007 12:32 PM, Blogger Gino said...

i make no resolutions.
but i do have a goal of being out of CA by the end of the year.

happy new year, mercy!

At 1/01/2007 2:30 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Run, Forest, run! I mean Gino:o) Cali is a cool state to visit but everything's so high over there, hi cost of living, hi govt regulations, etc.

At 1/01/2007 3:00 PM, Blogger kingdavid said...

Where do you want to go Gino: Georgia?

Come to MN and tell them you're a Hmong, Somali or Cambodian refugee, or that you're an illegal alien from Mexico. Pretty quick and you'll have a job, living in a nice place, getting weekly welfare checks and driving around a brand new SUV.

Either that or tell them your a gang-banger from Chicago, you'll pretty much end up with same deal.

At 1/01/2007 9:11 PM, Blogger Trebonte said...

That's pretty cool. I also am making my resolution to read through God's Word in completion this year. Also keep up with a Bible study as well.

This'll work even more so if I can get some of my friends to participate with me. Kekekeke...

At 1/01/2007 10:55 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Trebonte, I am doing this with a friend so I hope you are able to get a few yourself. There's something about doing things together w/ others that is very motivating.

At 1/01/2007 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom and dad got one of those chronological bibles so that they could read through it in a year.

Personally, I'm not going to try to read the whole thing on purpose, but maybe it'll happen by accident as I read it day by day. I don't really have any goals per se. This last year was just so astoundingly productive and life changing that I'm not going to step into God's way with goals that might distract from his plan.

Uncle Ben (hammerswing)

At 1/02/2007 12:02 AM, Blogger Gino said...

i'm leaving CA because i cant afford it here anymore. the bottom price for a 50yr old home, in an urban area, is bout 500k.
two bedroom apts are bout 1200 (1100 if you like roaches) if you live in the barrios. i dont, so i pay over 1300.
i can earn 1/3 as much, and buy twice as much home as i'm currently renting, living anywhere else.

looking at TX right now, but still got my eye on the think a guy named 'gino' can blend into the hillbilly population if he tries real hard?

MN might be nice. i understand they got some cool bloggers up there. but i think its a tad cold for my orange county bones.

At 1/02/2007 11:52 AM, Blogger Bike Bubba said...

My goals; get back in shape & lose some weight. I also hope to read through the entire Bible this year--has been my habit for nearly two decades to read through it annually, often in a new translation each year.

At 1/02/2007 11:56 AM, Blogger kingdavid said...

Gino: we're contemplating a move to TX as well. We're calling it our PL plan; the 'promised land' Right now we're researching San Antonio and Austin area.

You should fit right in the Ozarks. Make sure you have a gun rack showing on your vehicle, you'll make friends in no time.

At 1/02/2007 7:16 PM, Blogger Gino said...

small world.
austin/round rock is where i'll likely be heading.

seen the price of nice homes there?

At 1/02/2007 7:19 PM, Blogger Gino said...

i spent a couple days in the ozarks(MO) back in 99.
fell in love with the topography, and been dying to live there ever since.
never before have i felt like i was in the home i was meant to be in.

At 1/02/2007 9:09 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Gino & KD,
I heard that Austin is one of the best places for affordable home. You can get a 3/2 $150K to $200K range. Another place that may be less is Detroit but the fatality rate is higher there:o)

Here in central Fl, it used to be affordable until 3 yrs ago, now the median home price is $250K, less than Cali but more than Austin.

At 1/03/2007 12:01 AM, Blogger Gino said...

austin is a lil pricier than round rock. round rock is 10min fron austin, and a nice 3-2 runs 110-125.(or more, of course)

At 1/03/2007 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mocha-momma has also been spending a lot of free time searching real estate on the web. Every time I hear a squeal of 'Oh my God' I know she found another one that I'll have to go take a look at. I'm sure MN isn't as bad as CA; but the same house down there for $125K would probably go $3-400K up here.


At 1/04/2007 8:14 PM, Blogger Mercy Now said...

Gino, holy tomolie, $125k for a 3/2? Wow, that's a BARGAIN!


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